Skyrim Finance — Monthly Report #1

Skyrim Finance
4 min readJun 1, 2021

How time flies when you dedicate 100% of yourself to what you aim to build.

We cannot believe it has already been a full month since the start of Skyrim Finance work.

Since the announcement of this new journey, we have received so much from this community that it literally overwhelmed us emotionally and physically. We are immensely grateful for your support and contribution, and without you, none of these could have happened, or at least not so fast.

In the crypto space, it is our obligation to stay transparent, upfront, and candid to the community we owe so much to and inform you of the work that has been done to further the development of this project.

To help you stay updated, we will be posting a Monthly Report around the end of every month.

The Skyrim Finance Monthly Report will provide you a summary of all of the activities that have occurred or are still in progress during a given month. We hope this continuous effort can shorten the information gap between us and give our community more confidence and assurance on the future of Skyrim Finance.

Please read on for more details.

💰Capital Acquisition

On May 17th, we officially announced the conclusion of Skyrim Finance Private Sale I Round Fundraising, with which we raised $2.1 million with a constellation of crypto venture capital organizations.

We believe they are the driving power of the current DeFi space and the helping hands behind different excellent crypto projects.

With their involvement, we can take advantage of this powerful launchpad and build partnerships with well-established projects, communities, media outlets, technical groups, and IDO platforms to smooth out our future roadmap.

FYI, more crypto venture capital organizations are getting on board.

🏁$SKYRIM Private Sale Allocation Program

To give back to our community we decided to roll out this long-term Multi-Round $SKYRIM Private Sale Allocation Program to bootstrap our community, drive up brand awareness and exposure, and most importantly reward those who are making extraordinary contributions to Skyrim Finance.

At the time of writing, the 1st round of the program has seen

1️⃣ A total of 3,956 people joined us

2️⃣ More than 127,443 impressions generated

3️⃣ A total of 15,678 engagements

4️⃣ And 269,356 total entries

It was a huge success that significantly drove up the exposure of Skyrim Finance.

On June 1st, we emailed those who won the lucky draw via our official email address.

We want to lay stress on it that 🚨 if you receive an email that is not sent by, then it is not from the official Skyrim Finance team. Please do due diligence and be vigilant 🚨

🔈Preaching via AMAs

Doing AMA sessions with different crypto communities is a common way to promote and gain exposure to a start-up project. Since day one we have been working with multiple community leaders to engage in conversations about what we can offer to the broader DeFi space.

So far we have completed XX AMAs where thousands of DeFi users got exposed to the mission of Skyrim Finance.

💻dTRANCHE Development Status

dTRANCHE: Fixed-rate Vault is the first product that Skyrim Finance is building.

The purpose of our first product is to satisfy investors’ different risk preferences or financing needs. dTRANCHE can be deployed with a two-token structure that allows investors to invest in two different kinds of fungibles, interest-bearing tokens: SENIOR and JUNIOR.

We have already designed a dTRANCHE prototype. However, the final version of this product is subject to future iterations.

🏡Community Growth

Twitter 28 day summary with change over the previous period

  • 37 Tweets— Up by 184.6%
  • More than 597,000 Tweet impressions —Up by 16,126.0%
  • More than 106,000 Profile visits —Up by 2,866.3%
  • 1,869 Mentions —Up by 62,200.0%
  • 8,676 Followers —Up by 8,588

Telegram now houses 5280 community members, and growing…

About Skyrim Finance

Skyrim Finance is the First Multichain Decentralized Structured Finance Marketplace. Skyrim Finance aims to build the Robo-Advisor of the DeFi ecosystem. The objective of Skyrim Finance is to help investors of different profiles have risk-adjusted returns through fixed-rate and leveraged-yield DeFi products.

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Skyrim Finance

The objective of Skyrim Finance is to help investors of different profiles have risk-adjusted return through fixed-rate and leveraged-yield DeFi products.